Travel media

To cover the problems and news of tourism, there are a lot of online information resources. We carry out information cooperation with them, because the promotion of smart tourism relies on the wide dissemination of correct information and the exchange of experience among both tourists and tourism organizations.

The largest travel portal covering tourism news in Russian. The portal was created on September 3, 2009 in Moscow and belongs to TRN Group Media Holding. Work is underway to create an English version of the portal

Travel Russian News daily monitors the situation in the travel market in Russia and the world. The target audience is tourism industry professionals, representatives of tour operators, travel agencies, hotels, airlines, tourism departments, government authorities, public organizations, industry higher educational institutions, associations, as well as active tourists and bloggers. More than 45 thousand users subscribed to the daily email newsletter.

Travel Russian News is included in Yandex TOP-10 for the queries “tourism news”, “tourism business news”, “tour operator news”, “travel agency news”, “hotel news”, “airport news”, “airline news”.