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Dr. Jun Wen is a lecturer in tourism and hospitality management at the School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Australia. Jun was born in China and studied abroad in New Zealand until Completed his Ph.D in August 2018. As an early career researcher, Jun published more than 30 research articles in top-tier prestigious international journals. Jun believes the core value of academic research is to contribute both to theory and practice. Thus far, he has developed three research streams: 1) special-interest tourism; 2) social issues in tourism and hospitality (e.g., racial discrimination issues; human trafficking; prostitution; socially deviant tourist behaviour); and 3) Chinese outbound tourism market and tourist behaviour. Dr Jun Wen is influent in Mandarin Chinese and with both industry and academic experiences in both China and New Zealand. Jun is dedicated to bridge the tourism academia and industries among China, New Zealand, and Australia.
Here are links to some of his articles: