Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt is the founder and CEO of the Hamburg-based COTRI China Outbound Tourism Research Institute and one of the leading experts on the biggest global outbound tourism source market – China.

He is also the founder of the Meaningful Tourism Center, which is based on the paradigm of hedonic tourism: when the goals of sustainable development are achieved not through prohibitions and restrictions, but through mutual gains.

The author of many scientific papers and studies:

Chinese Outbound Tourism Market

The Second Wave of Chinese Outbound Tourism

Guest Editors’ Note

Social Media Tourism Marketing in China

Von der Einbahnstrasse zum Gegenverkehr. Der chinesische Outbound- Tourismus im Spiegel der strukturellen Veränderungen globaler Mobilitäten

Asia on tour: exploring the rise of Asian tourism

Chinese Tourists in ‘Elsewhereland’: Behaviour and Perceptions of Mainland Chinese Tourists at Different Destinations

Thinking through Tourism in Japan

Not Very Willkommen: The Internet as a Marketing Tool for Attracting German-Speaking Tourists to Non-European Destinations

Handbook of consumer behavior, tourism, and the internet, by Juline E. Mills and Rob Law (eds). Haworth Hospitality Press, Binghamton, NY, 2004. No. of pages: 314 + XVI ISBN 0-7890-2599-X. Co-published as Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Vol. 17, Nos. 2/3, 2004

Author and co-author of books on tourism:

China’s Outbound Tourism


Deutschland als Reiseziel chinesischer Touristen

Global Experiences in Tourism: Proceedings of the International Competence Network of Tourism Management (ICNT)

Regular participant of round tables and discussions:

Chinese tourism after COVID-19 with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt from COTRI

In this interview the professor talks about Chinese tourism after Covid-19, that one of the main factors of its recovery is cooperation, because we live in a complex world where everything is interconnected.

China’s Outbound Tourism – Wolfgang Arlt

In this video Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt describes the Chinese tourists and the Chinese travel market in general.

Also, the professor introduces new forms of tourism, such as meaningful tourism and advantage tourism, which is emphasized in these interviews.

Meaningful Tourism paradigm Introduction by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt – ADVANTAGE TOURISM

Profile from the professor’s personal website

Tourism Scientist.

Born in West-Berlin 1957, married to Swiss authoress, no kids

Since 2007 living in Meldorf/Dithmarschen

Studies in Berlin, Taiwan, Hong Kong

M.A. Sinology, PhD Political Sciences FU Berlin

Former owner of specialized travel companies (Outbound / Inbound East Asia-Europe),

Consultant for European companies (Transport, Logistics) in China

Organizer of fairs and exhibitions in East Asia and in Europe

Publisher, bookseller, journalist

Since 1997 lecturer (Intercultural Management, Tourism) in Europe and East Asia

Since 2002 professor for Leisure and Tourism Management

Research Fellow of Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science

Fellow of Royal Geographical Society (London)

Director of China Outbound Tourism Research Institute (COTRI

Vice-Director of IMT Institute for Management and Tourism

Adjunct professor at Yanbian University of Science and Technology (Yanji/China)

Visiting professor at Ningbo University (Ningbo/China)

Visiting professor at University of Sunderland (Sunderland/UK)

Since February 2007 professor for Tourism Economics at German West Coast University of Applied Sciences (FH Westkueste)

Since August 2008 member of Senate of FHW

Professional Memberships:

Member of Board, ELRA (European Leisure Research Association)
Member, AIEST (International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism)
Representative of German West Coast University of Applied Sciences, ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Leisure Education)
Member, DFJV (Deutscher Fachjournalistenverband – German Association of Scientific Journalists)
Member, DGA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde – German Society for Asian Sciences)
Member, DGT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft – German Society for Tourism Science)
Member, DMB (Deutscher Museumsbund – German Museums Association)
Member, JSPS Club Bonn (Association of Former Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellows in Germany)
Member hlb (Deutscher Hochschullehrerbund – German Association of Professors)

All experts are here.