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Agitation and propaganda work among tourists
In the development of responsible and sustainable tourism, it is very important to convey the necessary and important information to tourists. Destinations should conduct this work in such a way that tourists are inspired by the ideas of sustainable, responsible and smart travel.
This does not only apply to environmental regulations and calls to comply with them, but sustainable travel also involves adherence to the ethical rules and social laws of the destination. Tourists should behave in such a way that does not turn the local population against tourists in particular and tourism in general.
In order for tourists to know how to behave in a certain territory, the management of destinations around the world is doing explanatory work.
In this section, we have given cases and examples of how destinations bring written and unwritten rules to tourists and control their implementation.
UNWTO as the main touristic organization in the world conducts constant explanatory work among tourists and local tourism organizations. A code of ethics for tourism has been developed.
This code can be used by any tourism organization and destination as a basis for developing their own local touristic codes and communicating its content to everyone.
Quote: “As a fundamental frame of reference for responsible and sustainable tourism, the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GCET) is a comprehensive set of principles designed to guide key-players in tourism development. Addressed to governments, the travel industry, communities and tourists alike, it aims to help maximise the sector’s benefits while minimising its potentially negative impact on the environment, cultural heritage and societies across the globe.” More.
In 2022, Valencia was the European Capital of Smart Tourism. This destination is taking many concrete actions in order to convey information about the sustainable and green development of the region, smart tourism and what innovations the destination offers for tourists. More.
In addition, the rights and obligations of tourists are published on the official website.
Basque Country
The Basque Country Tourism Code of Ethics aims for all tourist entities to incorporate social responsibilities and environmental and economic sustainability into their daily practice. More.
The official website has etiquette tips that tourists are advised to follow. Link.
The official website contains a document on the rights and obligations of tourists. Link.
The official tourism website has recommendations for tourists on how to make their travel more sustainable and environmentally friendly. There is also a CO2 calculator. Link.
The official website of the destination contains recommendations for travelers on what transport is better to use, what places to visit, where to stay in order to minimize the harmful impact on the environment. Link.
Recommendations are posted on where to find sustainable and organic locally produced dishes. Link.
The official tourism website has published 5 tips for tourists on how to travel in Italy in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Link.
The official travel site of the destination offers 11 eco-friendly ways to travel around Norway. Link.
Detailed rights and obligations of tourists when accessing natural resources are published on the official tourism website of the destination. Link.