Report on digital skills in touristic organizations in Kazakhstan

Methodology and location of the research

Department of digitalization and smart tourism in KTA and KAGIR in collaboration with Center Smart Tourism have conducted this research based on survey among Kazakhstani touristic businesses. The aim of the research is to detect the level of awareness of required digital skills in touristic organizations on the moment of 2023.

Measuring the level of certain digital skills among respondents

The arsenal of required skills changes on year-to-year basis, as modern world keeps upgrading technologies, increasing level of digitalization on regular basis. A decade ago, it was enough to know how to work with electronic mails and Microsoft office, which is clearly not enough for the successful and efficient work nowadays. Our specialists have conducted a research study on the required digital skills. Based on the results of this research, we demonstrate what are the most common weaknesses in online performance of various touristic organizations in Kazakhstan. These are not only harmful for the organizations themselves, but also globally for the tourism in Kazakhstan.

Motivation and benefits of the research

We strongly believe that increasing the level of awareness and understanding of some concepts among touristic organizations could improve their image online. As a result, potential tourists would be more likely to trust touristic organizations in Kazakhstan and choose Kazakhstan as their destination.

Who is this report useful for?

This report would be useful for heads and marketing managers of any touristic organizations such as tour agencies, tour operators, visit centers, hotels, etc.


Methodology, text, conclusions: Dmitriy Tin
English version editor: Andrey Tin

Downloading the report

Results of the research are presented in the free report, which could be downloaded here: 

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