Lesson 21

 How to Create a Site in Google My Business

Google offers the easiest site builder in the world. The only condition is that you must be registered in Google My Business. If you already have registration, you can create a site in one click. If you are not and you do not know how to do it – click here.

A landing site is created in one click and immediately has a mobile version.

Site content is also generated automatically from information posted on Google My Business.

The website address will look something like this: business_name.business.site. For example: https://center-smart-tourism.business.site/

Basically, by simply filling in all the fields on Google My Business form, you can get an automatically generated site. You only need to press one button.

What to do:

Check information, publications and photos:

Click the “Site” section:

Choose fonts, themes and block layout;

Click the “Publish” button.

The complete guide on getting started with a Google My Business website.

The guide on editing your website.