Tourism communications

Paradoxically, but it is a fact. In the age of development of communication technologies and smart tourism, it is in this area of communications that problems are observed in many destinations:

Internet access for tourists is often difficult

Tourists find it difficult to file a complaint and get a response to it

There is no communication and information in a language understandable to the tourist

Digital advertising as a way of communication does not work effectively

In this section, we study the state of tourism communications in the tourism industry in general and how certain destinations solve problems in this area.

The topic of chatbots is receiving a lot of attention these days, especially in the tourism industry. We have already Read more
Digital travel marketing is one of the ways of communication between destinations and tourists, through which DMOs attract tourists to Read more
The safety of tourists in the destination is very important for the reputation, since the slightest incident can bring it Read more
Languages of DMO official websites Despite a lot of discussion, the problem of the language barrier remains relevant in most Read more
Travelers away from home can often get into trouble due to misunderstandings or dishonesty of travel service providers. Then, upon Read more
Despite the development of technology in many destinations, the problem of tourists' access to the Internet remains relevant. This is Read more